Securing Image With Signed URL in Golang

insomnius logo 2Muhammad Arief Rahman

November 16, 2024

4 min read

Feature WIP

A digital illustration of a blue, open padlock in the foreground symbolizing unlocked data. In the background, binary code and alphanumeric sequences are visible, representing cybersecurity and data access concepts. The overall color scheme is blue, giving a tech-focused impression

Securing user data is a critical concern for many businesses. A friend of mine at a legal services startup recently expressed his concerns about their KYC process, especially regarding how they manage users' identity card images.

Signed URLs are a simple yet powerful tool that provides secure, time-limited access to resources, helping reduce the risk of unauthorized exposure. Essentially, they let you control how long a resource is accessible and to whom.

Without signature:

With signature:

Common architectures that use storage buckets as components may look like this.

This process ensures secure, temporary access to a private resource (e.g., an image) stored in a storage bucket

1. Retrieve Image URL from the Storage BucketThe process begins with obtaining the image URL ( from the storage bucket.
2. Generate Signed URL in Application CodeThe application code creates a signed URL using:
  • The image URL.
  • A secret key (secret) for signature generation.
  • An expiration time (e.g., 10 minutes).
3. Retrieve the Generated URLThe application code outputs the signed URL, which includes the signature and expiration time (e.g.,
4. Return Signed URL from APIIf the signed URL is generated by an API, it returns the signed URL to the client application.
5. Request with Signed URLThe browser or client uses the signed URL to request the resource.
6. Verify and Retrieve Image URLThe server verifies the signed URL's signature and expiration. If valid, it allows access to the image.
7. Image Rendered in BrowserThe image (cat.png) is securely displayed in the browser.

This workflow ensures secure, temporary access to a private resource in a storage system.

Signed URLs work by using an algorithm and secret key that are not exposed to the client. Both of these must be the same when retrieving and getting the image. Fortunately, this is already supported by many popular frameworks, such as Laravel and Django.

Now, let's implement this in Go. For this example, we'll focus on retrieving an image, assuming the system is already connected to the database. Below is the API to fetch the image:

secretCode := "super secret code"

engine.GET("/users", func(c *gin.Context) {

  expiresAt := time.Now().Add(15 * time.Second).Unix()
  imageName := "image.jpg"

  signature := aurelia.Hash(secretCode, fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", expiresAt, imageName))

  encoder := json.NewEncoder(c.Writer)
  _ = encoder.Encode(gin.H{
   "data": gin.H{
    "id":        1,
    "name":      "Smitty Werben Men Jensen",
    "image_url": fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:8080/avatar/image.jpg?signature=%s&expires_at=%d", signature, expiresAt),

  c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

We use gin for the HTTP engine, and aurelia to automatically generate hash with salt. In that code assume that we already have image stored in our storage before, we also render expires_at within the image url.

Next step is to create other handler to retrieve the image.

 engine.GET("/avatar/image.jpg", func(c *gin.Context) {
  signature := c.Request.URL.Query().Get("signature")
  expiresAt := c.Request.URL.Query().Get("expires_at")

  if signature == "" || expiresAt == "" {
   c.JSON(400, gin.H{
    "message": "signature and expires_at cannot be empty",

  expiresAtUnix, err := strconv.Atoi(expiresAt)
  if err != nil {
   c.JSON(400, gin.H{
    "message": "invalid format of expires_at",

  if aurelia.Authenticate(secretCode, fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", expiresAtUnix, "image.jpg"), signature) == false {
   c.JSON(403, gin.H{
    "message": "unauthorized",

  if time.Now().After(time.Unix(int64(expiresAtUnix), 0)) {
   c.JSON(404, gin.H{
    "message": "image not found",


In this code we first check the signature and expired at params from the query parameter, after that we authenticate the hash with the secret code that we have before. If the hash is invalid, then we can return that the request is unauthorized. If the hash is valid, then the next step is to check whether the link is already expired, if it's then we could return 404 response to the users.

For full code example, you can check this link.


Signed URLs offer a level of protection by ensuring that data is accessible only for a limited time. However, the decision to implement them should depend on your specific use case and the level of security required for your application. As Uncle Bob wisely put it in his Scribe's Oath, "*The real software engineer is the one who puts the right thing in the right place." *Implementing signed URLs correctly ensures that you're doing just that, securing user data where it belongs.


The scribe's oath by uncle Bob. Seriously, watch this!!

AWS Cloudfront private content signed urls

GCS Storage Access Control with Signed URLS